nicola lane photography

Pregnancy Picture Ideas

Fun Pregnancy And Picture Ideas!

This is it! You are expecting a baby and you have decided that you want to do a maternity photo shoot. You decide to google around and see if you can find some fun pregnancy picture ideas.  I have bee taking maternity photos now for about 8 years and there is definitely some tips and tricks along the way that you can use to help your photo shoot run a little smoother. After all, it is what we all want! For our clients to have fun and to make sure they are comfortable and we get that perfect shot for them.


Clothing is a very important part of your maternity shoot. Ideally, I like to make sure that most of all you are comfortable in the clothing that you wear. You want to make sure you feel good and feel beautiful in what it is you are wearing. It will show on your faces if you are not comfortable so this is really essential to the shoot. I always say for dads that they should be comfortable. If they are not loving the button down shirt then just don’t wear that type of shirt. Stay close to your style and maybe spruce it up just a little. Remember, mommas, we want to see that bump! Make sure clothing is form fitting because this is one time you want to show off that beautiful body carrying your child. I personally have over 40 maternity gowns for my clients to use. This takes away and trouble or expense they may endure figuring out what to wear. These gowns can be worn free of charge and I usually have clients come by the studio a couple of weeks before our shoot to try them on and see what the love.


Your photographer is the one who should be finding the perfect location. This is unless you have somewhere that you feel you must do the shoot (i.e where the proposal took place of the first date).  Most of the time I pick the location. I know the light at that location and scenery and how many different backdrops we can use from that location. I like to give a little bit of variety with both outfit changes and then also the scenery of the shoot.


Let’s face it, most of us are not professional models and we certainly feel it can be awkward to “strike a pose”. Again, this is where your photographer should have a good idea of how to pose you and make sure the angles of the picture are flattening to you! I personally love to pose my clients.  When I am posing them I am looking for two things. 1. That they are both looking at me with that traditional pose and 2. That they are not looking at me at all. That mixture of both posed and candid works well. It gives your clients a variety of images and allows them to see the love between them. Go for the emotion as well as the “look at me”. Say “don’t look at me, look at each other” This one needs its own paragraph I think!

Pregnancy Picture Ideas

What To Say

Anything!! That is the complete truth. You will have an hour usually to get your clients feeling comfortable and also laughing and having fun. Remember this can be difficult for some couples. They may feel awkward and not know what to do and the “look at me and smile” just doesn’t always work. So let me give you examples of just a few of the things I may say during a shoot!
1. “Don’t look at me – Look at each other – And don’t forget to smile”
2. “Come on guys, I know you can get closer than that – You are having a baby”
3. “I know dad, she just had to pick the one crazy photographer that is saying all this silly stuff”
4. “Staring contest, go!!”
5. “Dad, I want you to kiss her forehead gently, go on and kiss her neck also”
6. “Dad, I want you to tell mom a secret, just don’t talk about me being crazy”

I promise you these will usually respond in some great smiles and laughs! And be ready, this is where the magic happens of capturing that natural love they have for each other and most truly will forget you are there and get lost in following what you are suggesting they do.

Pregnancy Portrait Ideas

Bringing The Sibling

The day has come and of course of all days your older child just is not having it! They refuse to want to cooperate.  Well, this is your time to bring out your bag of tricks.  We don’t always need the sibling to look at us and smile. When this little one doesn’t want to look at us keep cool. Mom is likely stressing over the fact JR. isn’t doing what she had been waiting almost 9 months to do.  This is where you switch it up and try to make it fun for the child. A lot of “peek a boo I see you” or “don’t you do do it, don’t you smile, don’t you look at me”. Children are funny in that way when you tell them not to do something, chances are they will do it! Truth, just to challenge you and this is your opportunity to snap those sneaky grins and fun moments between the family.  BTW, the sibling can also be the four-legged kind 😉 It is always fun to incorporate your “firstborn fur baby” I encourage you to bring whatever and whomever you want at this shoot for you to have the most fun!

The Lens

Each photographer is different in what lenses they like to use. I really prefer to use a longer length lens. This puts enough space between me and my clients that I don’t feel I am on top of them. This can really help with their comfort level. At the end of the day, a client who feels comfortable will feel happy and we love happy! Of course, you can mix your lenses up to get some variety. This is just what works for me.

Have Fun

Lastly, have fun! Laugh with your clients. Tell them funny stories. Make them comfortable and just get outside of yourself and don’t be afraid to look a little silly. When you look and act a little silly you can still be professional. You just have to make it fun for them.  Stories can be real or made up. Our job is to make them laugh and feel happy! When you capture that. You know you have captured some really beautiful shots that they will treasure for a lifetime. Keep in mind the last time this couple had professional photos taken together was likely at their wedding.  You don’t know their wedding experience with their photographer. It is a 50/50 on if it went good or bad. I hear horror stories and nothing more rewarding than hearing, “this was great, thank you so much, I wish you had been our wedding photographer.

A sibling coming along on a maternity shoot
A couple having fun on their maternity shoot. A candid moment showing a lot of love