nicola lane photography

When to do family photos

When to do family photos!

As a professional family photographer, I am often asked: “When to do family photos?   Most of my family photography takes place in September, October, November, and December. Here in Raleigh NC, that is when we have the best foliage, we all love the colors of the trees as they change in fall. This makes for a gorgeous backdrop to your family photos! There is another big reason families prefer to do their photo sessions in the fall is that they are using these photographs to make holiday or Christmas cards for their friends and family.  Of course, I also do many other family shoots throughout the year, depending on what my client’s needs are.

At times families get together during months in spring or summer. This may be the one and only time they are able to do an extended family photo session.  A good photographer who specializes in family photography will know the perfect location to use for a family portrait. It shouldn’t matter what time of year it is, they will know where to go and what time of day to do the photoshoot!

When to do family photos,  is really when you need to do them! When you have family in town and you don’t often see each other, it is a great time to get your family pictures done! I also have clients who love to do family photos during a maternity shoot or during a newborn shoot. For every occasion, you can always find the opportunity to get a few family photos. Family photos are so important to have. These are gifts we can pass on from generation to generation, as family members both arrive and pass, what a beautiful gift to have photographs of those we love. To have photographs of our own family and our extended family.  You should try to do family photos at least once a year, most photographers will have affordable mini-sessions. Which can be ideal for anyone with time constraints or don’t want to invest in a full family session. At the end of the day, most of my clients all say the exact same thing: “I just want ONE great family photo”

Family photo of mom, dad and two children